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Croeso i Ddosbarth Masarn - Welcome to Maple Class

Dates to remember:

  • 3rd March - Eisteddfod

  • 4-7th March - Storey Arms Residential trip

  • 21st March - Comic Relief Day

  • 8th April - Parents evening

  • 10th April - Parents evening



Hello and welcome to Maple Class. I hope you all have had a relaxing Christmas break and are looking forward to the new spring term ahead.  

A few things to remember -

  • Water bottles are needed DAILY and labelled with your name on it.

  • P.E is on a Friday, so please come into school with your kit on, with sensible footwear.


  • There is no need to bring a bag to school (unless you have a club after school), all you will need is your water bottle, as well as a snack and lunchbox if required. Thank you!

  • As you know, the weather is unpredictable and can change anytime. Please ensure you bring in the correct clothing e.g. coat/hat/ when it is wet/cold or a hat and sunscreen when it is hot. Diolch!

Class Topic

Natural Disasters photo.avif

Natural Disasters

Homework Notice

Please see the homework grid in the curriculum news box. 

Spelling homework will be sent home on a Thursday in preparation for a spelling test the following Thursday.

 Thank you! 

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