Croeso i Dosbarth Coeden Afal Welcome to Apple Tree Class
(Years 1 & 2)
We will be continuing with this year’s topic of ‘Seize the Season’. The first week back we were busy writing thank you letters and our new year resolutions (thinking about what we would like to get better at this year and how we are going to try our best to make it happen). We have started our science topic about different materials and identifying what different materials are used to create everything in our environment. Next week we will be exploring how materials change shape and recycling different materials.
Homework Activity: Using the activity sheet on the homework page please can you help your child to keep a record of all the items you recycle at home this week by drawing or writing in the boxes. (Some examples have been done for you.)
The weather is very changeable, and we aim to be outside as much as possible. Your child will need a warm waterproof coat. Gloves, a hat and a scarf would also be beneficial to keep them warm. If you haven’t already done so, please could you label all your child’s belongings. If they are unable to do up their coat and tie their laces, please can you continue to practice at home. Thank you!
Physical Development Afternoons:
Your child will need to come to school on Wednesdays wearing their full PE kit: joggers/leggings, house colour t-shirt, trainers and a jumper. Each Wednesday afternoon the year groups will be rotating around physical activities e.g. ball skills, gymnastics, outdoor activities… Your child may be taking part in outdoor activities so a raincoat with a hood is a must every Wednesday. If you have a spare pair of wellies then please send them in in a labelled bag and your child can leave them on their peg for the term. Thank you!
Thank you for your continued support. Please don’t hesitate to come and talk to us if you have any questions. We are usually available early before the bell, or after school.
Best Wishes
Mrs Sully and Miss Besiso
(Year 1 and 2 Teachers)
Some suggested websites for Year 1 & 2 children: ​
BBC Super Movers Fun curriculum linked resources to get you moving while they learn.
Primary Resources Resources to support reading comprehension.
Top Marks A variety of online activities for all curriculum subjects.
Scholastic Free Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler Home Learning Packs
https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/watch/playlist-amazing-sports-kids CBBC website to watch video clips of some young sporting stars talking about their chosen sport.
https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/ National Geographic Kids
https://www.techniquest.org/daily-demos/ Techniquest a collection of science demonstrations, some you can try at home.
https://www.science-sparks.com/ Science Sparks Science experiments for kids.
https://www.tate.org.uk/kids/games-quizzes/tate-paint Tate Modern. Create and show your own artwork.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ Joe Wicks daily work out for kids.