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Croeso i Dosbarth Coeden Afal  Welcome to Apple Tree Class
(Years 1 & 2)

It is lovely to see all the children back in school safe and well after the summer holiday.  We’ve had a busy couple of weeks settling back in, becoming familiar with the new routines and conducting assessments.

This year the children will be leading the learning through mini topics based on this year’s theme ‘Seize the Season’.  This half-term is all about settling in and getting to know ourselves better, including what is special about each of us.  Don’t forget to follow us on X (formally Twitter) to see all the fun and learning taking place.



If you haven’t yet sent back the pupil information letter and SeeSaw consent form, please could you do so ASAP.  If you need new copies, then please come and see us. 



The weather is very changeable, and we aim to be outside as much as possible.  Your child will need a raincoat, with a hood, daily.  We spend increasing amount of time each day trying to reacquaint jumpers/cardigans with the correct owner.  If you haven’t already done so, please could you label your child’s belongings.  Thank you!


Physical Development Afternoons:

Your child will need to come to school on Wednesdays wearing their full PE kit: joggers/leggings, house colour t-shirt, trainers and a jumper.  Each Wednesday afternoon the year groups will be rotating around physical activities e.g. ball skills, gymnastics, outdoor activities…  Your child may be taking part in outdoor activities so a raincoat with a hood is a must every Wednesday.  If you have a spare pair of wellies then please send them in in a labelled bag and your child can leave them on their peg for the term.  Thank you! 


Thank you for your continued support.  Please don’t hesitate to come and talk to us if you have any questions.  We are usually available early before the bell, or after school.


Best Wishes

Mrs Sully and Miss Besiso

(Year 1 and 2 Teachers)

Some suggested websites for Year 1 & 2 children: ​

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