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Special Occasions

Parents, members of the parish, governors and community members are invited to the following days:


Class Worship

Each class leads class worship for parents to attend over the year. The Worship is based upon our values or Christian festivals.



Church Visits    

Visits are made by the school to St Peter's Church for a Eucharist Service each half term and on occasions we celebrate the Eucharist at School.



Christmas Concert

One of the highlights of our school year; the Christmas concert sees our school hall packed to the hilt with parents, governors and villagers for a mixture of drama and music.



Careers Fair


Science Fair

Every pupil (Reception to Year 6) is invited to participate in this fun, educational and challenging event. Participation is optional. Entry may be as an individual or as a team of 2-3.


Harvest Festival

Our children entertain parents, pensioners and other village groups with songs, poems and drama. We also like to have a guest speaker, and donate gifts of fruit and vegetables which are given to different charities each year.



St David's Day Eisteddfod

St David's Day is celebrated on March 1st with an inter-house Eisteddfod.  Competitions, entered keenly by all our children, include art, written work, Welsh dramas, and musical items and culminates with the "Chairing of the Bard."



Sports Day

The undisputed highlight of the Summer Term, our Sports Day is an inter-house competition of individual and team races, as well as old favourites like the parents’ race. We believe in the importance of physical activity and competition for all our pupils.



Leavers' Ceremony        

This is a moving finale to the year when we recognise the many achievements of our pupils and bid farewell and good luck to the Year 6 leavers. 

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